Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer Reading Linky Party!!!

I am linking up with Clutter-Free Classroom to share summer reading plans. About 4 years ago, I restructured my Math block. Although my students were performing well in math, I found the method rather boring and dated. I begin to read  research that suggested that students could benefit from a Math Block similar that was set up like my Reader's Workshop and Guided Reading. So I overhauled the old way and begin to look for books that I could use to get me started.  Here are the three books I have read and will do some refreshing over the summer. These three books have been instrumental in changing the way  I do math.

  I first started with  Larry Ainsworth's, Five Easy Steps to a Balanced Math Program for Primary Grades. This was an excellent guide into understanding the steps to implementing a balanced math program. It was my foundation to change the way I did things. It focused on what should the importance be placed on during math, how to set it up, and also grade level specific strategies with step by step guide.
Although Ainsworth's book laid the foundation for my new and improved math block, Sammon's book provided me with a new framework for approaching my math block. One day I accidentally ran across a website that gave great detail about their math block and how it was setup. I was thinking this is just like Guided Reading but no one wrote the book on Guided Math until a year after I discovered the site. One day I decided to just look on Amazon because I was like, there has to be something written by now and then I found Laney Sammons. I couldn't put down the book. I think I finished reading it in less than a week. I was just so excited about me new found information. Please let me know if you would like to have a book study with me about any of these books. I don't want to go into details, I want to make this a discussion if possible. I would like to share my plans on how I set up my Math Block. I would love to provide you with a sample of what my weeks looks like.
Please comment to join the discussion and I can set up a book study.

Thanks and Happy Reading!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Double Fact Swag Video- Created with my class!

This year we really got into creating learning music videos and doing some Green Screen Productions. This year I believe I wrote about 20 learning rap songs and my students were excited to learn each and every one of them. I have always wanted to create videos but never acted upon it until this year. This was the perfect class  to create them. This was really a class of personalities!! I have created many podcasts, online tutorials, and this year music videos were a hit. This is the first video I made and started my own record label...ha! It's not copyrighted but it's Mrz. Hayez Clazz kids flipped out when I told them about this (so did my hubby). I wrote this song at first to the tune of ABC to help students learn their double facts and then spiced it up when I heard someone humming this rap song. So with all that been is my video...
May I present to you Double Fact Swag.....(Don't laugh..hehe.. and Enjoy!)

I also have this on my Facebook page. Feel free to like my page and this video!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Currently...June Edition!!

Linking with Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade to let you what is currently going on in June. Don't forget the Giveaway hosted by Tattling to The Teacher! There are many items you could win. You have a chance to enter up to 45 entries. It ends tomorrow night! Good luck!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Giveaway.....Hosted by Laura from Tattling to the Teacher

My good friend and blogger buddy is hosting a Giveaway to celebrate her fantabulous blog's new look. Becca Paro from Jumping Jax Designs did a wonderful job designing her blog. In the next week or so, I'm putting in a order myself. Now on to the GIVEWAY..the Giveaway includes lots of free items created by very talented women. I have also included one of my best selling items from my TPT Store the Money March Madness Unit in the giveaway.I am so excited to be apart of this event. Money March Madness Unit includes 55 pages of activities that will help students practice their money skills up to $1.00. The Rookie Coin Sorter is free. Click on the picture to download.

Enjoy this Freebie! Just click to download it.
Combination Flap Book

Free Throw Game(Played like Go Fish!)
Posters for all coins and 1 dollar bill
Making Combinations

If you looking for more activities for your students to practice their money skills, I also have a Money Math Menu for sale for $1.50. The Math Money Menu is THE best selling item in my TPT store.


If you would like to enter to win Any Item of your choice from Laura's TPT shop, my Money March Madness Unit(valued at $5.50), and many other freebies head on over to Tattling to the Teacher by clicking on her button to win. . Stay tune for more fun ideas and freebies.Good luck and thanks for following and viewing my blog.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

You know it's Summer Vacation when....Linky Party

I have not blogged since March 25th. I have been drowning in papework from school and work. I honestly did not get a break until I turned in my keys/signed them out at 2:23 p.m., May 25,2012. But today I'm linking up with Kindergarten Lifestyle to tell you how I know it's Summer Vacation.